Call for Writing

Sitegeist was founded with the intention of promoting varied, lively and creative approaches in writing to the questions facing psychoanalysis today.

Thresholds of Psychoanalysis: On 30 September 2023, the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis held a 25th-anniversary event inviting participants to re-imagine and re-define the role of contemporary psychoanalysis. Issue 17 of Sitegeist will extend this conversation and is seeking journal contributions on new formations of psychoanalysis, its thresholds, margins and borders.

This could include, but is not limited to:

  • the relation of psychoanalysis to contemporary discourses in ecology, feminism, race and the arts
  • the practice of psychoanalysis outside the clinic
  • the evolution of psychoanalytic praxis, ethics and institutions.

We welcome original articles, reviews and creative works. If you wish to be part of this issue, please share your submission to the Sitegeist Editorial Team at

Reviews policy

Part of the remit of Sitegeist is to encourage new thinking in psychoanalysis and philosophy, and we see reviewing new books in these fields as a crucial way to do this. Details of books for review should be sent to


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In his 2001 lecture Freud and the Non-European, Palestinian-American intellectual Edward Said highlights Freud’s deconstruction of Moses’ Jewish origin as a pathway into a new politics of identities, in which ‘identity cannot be thought or worked through itself alone; it cannot constitute or even imagine itself without that radical originary break or flaw which will not be repressed’ (Said 2003: 54). Said’s interpretation underscores the significance of Moses and Monotheism as ‘no less than the political parable of our time’ (ibid.: 65), as defined by Jacqueline Rose, compelling us to contemplate issues related to identity and difference, race and racism beyond the organised, exclusive forms of identity based on principles of national, religious, or ethnicity, but rather through revealing a troubling dimension in relation to otherness at its core.

Sitegeist issue 16 set out to endorse an antiracial discourse in which, similarly to Said’s venture to deconstruct the European ‘hierarchy of races’, opening a door to the less privileged is not enough, and must be accompanied by an effort to identify areas of white privilege; to unsettle the very heart of the structures we are embedded in, including that of psychoanalysis itself. The issue follows a conference on ‘White Privilege, Racism and Psychoanalysis’ hosted by the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Goldsmiths University in October 2021. Continuing the work and conversations engendered by the conference, we are delighted in this issue to bring original articles that challenge familiar psychoanalytic landscapes – from the clinic to theory-making, from psychoanalytic language to questions of accessibility, from the structure of the frame to the structures of our institutions and trainings.

Spring 2024 – Coming soon!

Sitegeist 16 continues the work and conversations engendered by the October 2021 conference hosted by the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Goldsmith’s University on ‘White Privilege, Racism and Psychoanalysis’: psychoanalytically thinking about aspects of race in relation to current events as well as racial aspects of psychoanalysis itself – how race impacts upon the clinical, our theory-making, access to the treatment, and the structures of our institutions and training.

You can read a preview of the editorial here.

First published in 2022 by:
The SITE for Contemporary Psychoanalysis

Copyright © The SITE for Contemporary Psychoanalysis for the journal format.
Copyright © to the contributors for their own individual contributions.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Edited, designed and produced by:
Duncan Harris, Katia Houghton, Yael Pilowsy Bankirer, Val Parks, Julie Walsh and Barry Watt.

Editorial Advisory Panel
Suzanne Adebari, Manuel Batsch, Nic Bayley, Dorothée Bonnigal-Katz, Julia Borossa, Bernard Burgoyne, John Fletcher, Anastasios Gaitanidis, Stephen Gee, Liz Guild, David Henderson, Derek Hook, Peter Nevins, Dany Nobus, Val Parks, Rosie Rize, Joanna Ryan, Barry Sheils, Ross Skelton, Julie Walsh, Barry Watt, Rob Weatherill, Rob Weiss, Anne Worthington.

Notes for Future Contributors
Sitegeist uses a peer-review system based around electronic submission. Authors are invited to send abstracts of not more than 200 words to the editors. Calls for Papers are made, on occasion, and are publicised on our website: and Twitter feed: @SITE_GEIST.


Download this paper In his 2001 lecture Freud and the Non-European, Palestinian-American intellectual Edward Said highlights Freud’s deconstruction of Moses’ Jewish origin as a pathway into a new politics of identities, in which ‘identity cannot be thought or worked through itself alone; it cannot constitute or even imagine itself without that radical originary break or...

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Call for Writing

Sitegeist was founded with the intention of promoting varied, lively and creative approaches in writing to the questions facing psychoanalysis today. Thresholds of Psychoanalysis: On 30 September 2023, the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis held a 25th-anniversary event inviting participants to re-imagine and re-define the role of contemporary psychoanalysis. Issue 17 of Sitegeist will extend this...

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Call for Writing

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Sitegeist was founded with the intention of promoting varied, lively and creative approaches in writing to the questions facing psychoanalysis today.

On 9 and 10 October 2021 the SITE for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Goldsmith’s University hosted the much-needed conference on ‘White Privilege, Racism and Psychoanalysis’.

As one of the next steps in continuing the work and conversations engendered by the conference, Sitegeist is delighted to request papers from contributors on topics related to white privilege, racism, and psychoanalysis; psychoanalytically thinking about aspects of race in relation to current events as well as racial aspects of psychoanalysis itself – how race impacts upon the clinic, our theory-making, access to the treatment, and the strutures of our institutions and training. The aim is to create a special issue representative of the complexity of this discussion as well as the diversity of those who contribute to and participate in it.

If you wish to be part of this special issue, please share your submission, or any questions or thoughts, to

Reviews Policy

Part of the remit of Sitegeist is to encourage new thinking in psychoanalysis and philosophy, and we see reviewing new books in these fields as a crucial way to do this. Details of books for review should be sent to sitegeist@

Notes on Contributors

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Manuel Batsch is honorary lecturer in the Department for Psychosocial and Psychoanalytic Studies at the University of Essex. He has published articles on psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in several journals, including Psychoanalysis and History and Psychodynamic Practice.

Anastasios Gaitanidis has been teaching, mentoring and supervising Counselling, Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology students in various higher, further and adult education settings for the last 20 years. He is also a relational psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice, a researcher and a writer. He has published several articles on psychoanalysis and psychotherapy in peer-reviewed journals and he is the editor of three books: Narcissism: A Critical Reader (Routledge 2007), The Male in Analysis: Psychoanalytic and Cultural Perspectives (Palgrave 2011) and The Sublime in Everyday Life: Psychoanalytic and Aesthetic Perspectives (Routledge 2020).

Jane Haynes trained as a Jungian psychoanalyst who now refers to herself as a relational psychotherapist working through dialogue. She was a visiting consultant to the Eastern European Institute of Psychoanalysis and has acted as a consultant to Leo Baeck College in the selection of rabbinic candidates. Details of her several books may be found on her website: