As part of its ‘Clinical Site’ series,
The SITE for Contemporary Psychoanalysis presents
Friday June 5th 2020
18:30 – 21:30
October Gallery 24 Old Gloucester St, Holborn, London WC1N 3AL
Truth and Interpretation
‘Introducing Lacanian Ideas for the Clinic’ – A seminar by Philip Hill
What is the ego’s relation to the truth?
What are the connections and false connections between trauma, language and the image?
What should a clinician say to a patient?
Can an interpretation be true, and does it matter?
How is the clinician ‘supposed to know’?
We will contrast two opposing theories of the ego: Freud’s and Lacan’s versus object relations theories, including Klein’s and those of ego psychology. These two radically different approaches closely inform two completely different types of interpretation, and in particular two opposing theories of our relation to ‘reality’, and ‘countertransference’. There are some 20,000 psychoanalysts worldwide. Approximately 50% are Lacanian. It is around their theory of the ego and its relation to truth that all the main differences between Lacanians and the object relations schools revolve.
This workshop will assume no knowledge.
About Philip Hill
Philip Hill is a psychoanalyst in private practice, a member of the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research, and the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. He has worked in the National Health Service and for charities and schools. He has written Lacan for Beginners for Writers and Readers Inc, and Using Lacanian Clinical Technique, An Introduction, and is currently writing two books: Structure in the Clinic and the Theory of Immunology and Psychoanalysis: Freud’s and Lacan’s contribution to Psychoneuroimmunology, and Psychoanalysis as a History of Science and Ideas: Feminine Sexuality as essentially indeterminate.
Tickets for this event cost £15; £12 for Site members and £10 for Site trainees and are available here