SW Psychotherapy Workshops, Winter/Spring 2016

Psychotherapy Workshops

Winter & Spring 2016

The Site is very pleased to offer another series of psychotherapy workshops that will be running in Truro in 2016. The workshops will show how contemporary psychoanalysis can bring a richer understanding to varied social and clinical situations.   They will be delivered by psychotherapists involved with the Site training in clinical psychoanalysis in Truro.

These workshops are open to those who have an interest in the ideas and practices of contemporary psychoanalysis and its place in everyday life.   There will be information available about the Site training and attendance certificates for CPD purposes.

Working with Loss, January 9th with Dr Sally Sales

Psychoanalysis, in most of its traditions, has the capacity to deal with loss as its central concern.  Whether it is the loss of separation, the loss of a fantasised ideal or the loss of the first maternal object, psychoanalytic accounts would agree that all adult loss takes its meaning from these first primary losses. Given the range and enormity of loss in the contemporary world – global warning, terrorism, war – this workshop will explore what contribution psychoanalysis can make to helping us better live with the uncertainties of loss in our lives today

Sally Sales is a analyst and supervisor in private practice and chair of the Site SW training

Working with Men, February 6th with Ilric Shetland

This work shop will be an exploration of masculinity within the context of psychoanalytic work.  We will address the following questions: What  happens for men when they need help and find themselves sitting in your consulting room?  Do men have distinctive modes of being and how are these understood in the therapeutic encounter? What have been the effects of greater gender equality on men seeking therapy today?

Ilric Shetland is a psychoanalyst in private practice and involved in the Site SW training

Working with Therapeutic Boundaries, March 5th with Lyn Meyer & Karen Jackson

The Psychoanalyst Robert Langs advocated that the therapeutic frame is needed to be a stable and reliable container for the therapy, with fixed elements that formed the boundaries for the work, the neutrality of the therapist, the time of the sessions, the place and the fee.  This workshop will be a creative exploration of the therapeutic frame by journeying through the terrain of psychoanalytic theory with reference to the thinking of Jean Laplanche and Gilles Deleuze.  We will invite you to explore the shape of the therapeutic frame within contemporary organisations and their multi-disciplinary teams drawing on clinical material to inform the discussion in the workshop.

Lyn Meyer trained with the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and is a member of the Site Council and the Council for Psychoanalysis and Jungian studies. She has a practice as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist and a Clinical Supervisor.
Karen Jackson trained with the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and practices as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist in the West of Cornwall. She has also worked for the past sixteen years as a Counsellor for the University of Falmouth and the University of Exeter in Cornwall

Working with Sexual Material, May 14th with Keith Armitage

Working with our client’s sexual expression and fantasies can be an important part of the therapeutic process, but it is often one that can feel uncomfortable or embarrassing for client and therapist alike. In this workshop we will use theory and clinical example to explore some of the challenges and to develop confidence in exploring sexual material and thinking about contemporary sexualities. Whilst being accessible to counsellors and therapists from humanistic and psychodynamic backgrounds, the workshop will also open up discussion about what distinguishes a psychoanalytic approach.

Keith Armitage trained with The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis in London and now works as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist and supervisor in private practise and in a third sector agency.

Workshops run from 1.00 – 4.00pm, with a short break at 2.30.

Venue: The second floor training room, the Library, Pydar Street, Truro, Cornwall

Cost and booking

The standard rate is £25 per workshop, with a concessionary rate of £10.

To book please complete the form below.  We have introduced a reduced rate for multiple bookings:

1 session:           £25

2 sessions:         £45

3 sessions:         £65

4 sessions:         £85

For the unwaged:  £10 per session or £30 if all are booked at the same time.


For further enquires

Dr Sally Sales can be contacted on 01726 870169 or  s.sales@virgin.net

SW Psychotherapy Workshops, Spring 2015

Psychotherapy Workshops

Spring 2015

The Site is very pleased to offer another series of psychotherapy workshops that will be running in Truro in Spring 2015. The workshops will show how contemporary psychoanalysis can bring a richer understanding to varied social and clinical situations.   They will be delivered by psychotherapists involved with the Site training in clinical psychoanalysis in Truro.

These workshops are open to those who have an interest in the ideas and practices of contemporary psychoanalysis and its place in everyday life.   There will be information available about the Site training and attendance certificates for CPD purposes.

Klein’s View of Misogyny, March 28th, with Linda Buckingham

In her 1928 paper “Early Stages of the Oedipus Conflict” Klein describes the boy’s Femininity Complex as the root of misogyny in males. If not resolved benignly, envy of female nurturing and reproductive functions is converted to hatred and contempt. The paper is controversial and has not been furthered by Kleinian theorists or feminists, who do not expect to find in Klein’s work anything to further our understanding of the inequality of the sexes.  This workshop will revisit Klein to cast light on the enduring phenomenon of misogyny in contemporary culture.

Linda Buckingham is a Tavistock trained child psychotherapist who has been involved in the practice and teaching of psychoanalysis for many years in London. She has recently moved to Cornwall, and is currently undertaking some child psychotherapy work for CAMHS in Penzance and Redruth. She is involved in the Site SW training

Lacan, Transference & Interpretation,  May 2nd with Elizabeth O’Loughlin 

In her second workshop on Lacan, Elizabeth will explore his radical re formulation of transference.  Lacan argues that “there is, in fact, an imaginary element and a symbolic element in the transference, and there is thus a choice to be made.”  If, as Lacan claims,“the symbolic dimension is the only dimension that cures” interventions need to address the symbolic component of the transference, setting the imaginary component aside.  What then is the symbolic component of the transference and what would it mean to interpret it?  What is the imaginary component and what is it about the ego that makes it the source of resistance?


Elizabeth O’Loughlin practices as a Lacanian analyst in Bristol and is also involved in the Severnside training in clinical psychoanalysis.

Workshops run from 1.00 – 4.00pm, with a short break at 2.30pm. 


The second floor training room, the Library, Pydar Street, Truro, Cornwall

Cost and booking

The standard rate is £25 per workshop, with a concessionary rate of £10.

To book please complete the form below.  We have introduced a reduced rate for multiple bookings where both are booked and paid for at the same time:

1 session:           £25

2 sessions:         £45


For the unwaged:  £10 per session or £15 if both are booked at the same time.


For further enquires

Dr Sally Sales can be contacted on 01726 870169 or  s.sales@virgin.net


Booking Form

Please indicate which workshops you wish to attend and whether you wish to attend a series at the reduced fee (see above).  Send your cheque, payable to „The Site‟, together with this completed form to: The Administrator, The Site, 35 Manor Road, Potters Bar, EN6 1DQ.

You can also pay by electronic transfer of funds to: Unity Trust Bank, The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis; Sort code: 08-60-01; Account No: 20099428. Please insert your name as reference and email siteenquiries2015@gmail.com to advise that payment has been made.

Misogyny March 28th   …..………….…………………  £25  £10

Lacan May 2nd ………………………………………………£25  £10

Full name: __________________________Email __________________

Tel: home ____________________________

Address _______________________________Postcode ___________

SW Psychotherapy Workshops, Winter 2015

Psychotherapy Workshops

Winter 2015

The Site is very pleased to offer another series of psychotherapy workshops that will be running in Truro in winter 2015. The workshops will show how contemporary psychoanalysis can bring a richer understanding to varied social and clinical situations.   They will be delivered by psychotherapists involved with the Site training in clinical psychoanalysis in Truro.

These workshops are open to those who have an interest in the ideas and practices of contemporary psychoanalysis and its place in everyday life.   There will be information available about the Site training and attendance certificates for CPD purposes.

Psychoanalysis and Disappointment, January 31st, with Sally Sales

It has been said that psychoanalysis is about saying disappointing things to people in the nicest possible way. This suggests that whilst disappointment is good for us, it is also an experience that we find difficult to face.  In this workshop we will explore the place of disappointment in both psychoanalysis and the wider social field to address the following questions:  Do children today have enough disappointment? What forms of disappointment are the most challenging? What are the consequences of not being disappointed enough?

Sally Sales is chair of training for the Site SW and a psychoanalyst in private practice

Psychoanalysis and creativity, February 14th, with Ilric Shetland 

Psychoanalysis has always had a great deal to say about creativity and the creative process, starting with Freud’s paper on Leonardo da Vinci.  Some psychoanalytic traditions see creativity as an achievement, while others see it as a symptom of neurosis. This workshop will explore different psychoanalytic accounts of creativity and assess their usefulness in understanding the creative process.

Ilric Shetland is involved in the Site SW training.  He works as both a psychoanalyst and an artist and has a long standing interest in bringing these two fields into dialogue.

Workshops run from 1.00 – 4.00pm, with a short break at 2.30 at the second floor training room, the Library, Pydar Street, Truro, Cornwall

Cost and booking

The standard rate is £25 per workshop, with a concessionary rate of £10.

To book please complete the form below.  We have introduced a reduced rate for multiple booking as shown below:

Booking Form

1 session:           £25

2 sessions:         £45


For the unwaged:  £10 per session or £15 if both are booked at the same time.


For further enquires

Dr Sally Sales can be contacted on 01726 870169 or  s.sales@virgin.net

Please indicate which workshops you wish to attend and whether you wish to attend a series at the reduced fee (see above).  Send your cheque, payable to „The Site‟, together with this completed form to: The Site Administrator,  35 Manor Road, Potters Bar, EN6 1DQ.

You can also pay by electronic transfer of funds to:  Unity Trust Bank, The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis; Sort code: 08-60-01; Account No: 20099428. Please insert your name as reference and email the-site@the-site.org.uk to advise that payment has been made.

Disappointment 31 January 2015  …..………….…………………£25  £10

Creativity 14 February 2015…………………………………………£25  £10

Full name: __________________________Email ________________________

Tel: home   _____________Mobile________________________

Address ______________________________________________________

Postcode ___________

Psychotherapy Workshops in Cornwall, Winter/Spring 2014

The SITE is very pleased to offer another series of psychotherapy workshops that will be running in  Truro Winter/Spring 2014. The workshops will show how contemporary psychoanalysis can bring a richer understanding to varied social and clinical situations. They will be delivered by psychotherapists involved with the SITE training in clinical psychoanalysis in Truro.

Details and Booking Form below:

SW workshops Winter Spring 2014