by site.admin | May 16, 2018 | Sitegeist-news
We are pleased to announce that issue 13 of our journal, Sitegeist, is now out and available via our publishing partners.
Issue 13 takes features papers from our 2017 conference on Transgender and Psychoanalysis, other essays on the same theme and a full review section.
Contributors include Dina Al- Kassim, Sheila Cavanagh, Juliet Jacques, Henry Strick van Linschoten and Damien McCann.
Sitegeist Issue 13 can be purchased HERE
by site.admin | Apr 27, 2015 | Sitegeist-news
The Editorial Panel of Sitegeist are delighted to announce that issue 10, back again as a paperback journal, is now available.
Issue 10 is devoted to theoretical papers produced by trainees at the SITE, past and present. It shows the breadth of interests, styles and approaches provoked by the SITE’s training in psychoanalysis.
Christian Murphy uses Lacanian discourse theory to think about knowledge and desire in the consulting room, investigating as he does so notions of neutrality and abstinence, and asking whether they are empty concepts.
Paul Kellett van Leer sets out for the rich hunting ground of transference, tracing a lineage from Freud to Laplanche via Bach. He asks how we might handle the inherent uncanny, haunting effects of transference and what, as practitioners, we might do with it.
Francesca Joseph’s paper examines frustration, satisfaction and helplessness through the structure of the oedipal drama and draws on classical psychoanalytic texts, some of the work of Adam Philips and Orson Welles’s film, Citizen Kane.
R.D. Laing’s work has had a mixed reception over the years, with a focus on how he lived, rather than what he said. Andie Newman, in her paper, ‘Towards a Laingian Theory’, attempts to address this by investigating Laing’s theoretical legacy and its relevance to psychoanalytic thinking.
Julie Walsh’s paper, reprinted from Sitegeist’s issue on Research asks, as its central question, “how care and research come to coalesce in the activity of psychoanalysis”, and examines how the drive for knowledge is given a vital role in the Freudian canon.
Finally Barry Watt’s paper wants to come to grips with the concepts of universality and singularity in psychoanalytic thought and, in particular, to come to an understanding of these terms through their ontological differences and similarities.
We will be selling copies of issue 10 at two of our forthcoming events: the much-anticipated talk by the eminent psychoanalyst Dominique Scarfone, and at our Conference on Conflict on May 16th. Details of these events can be found on our EVENTS page.
Copies can be purchased online HERE.
by site.admin | May 13, 2014 | Sitegeist-news
The new Sitegeist editorial panel has now met and decided on the themes for the next two issues.
For issue 10, the focus will be on papers produced by trainees from the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. The idea is that trainees’ theoretical papers can be read by a wider audience, who will get a feeling for what the organisation stands for. Submission is open to all current trainees and full members who have been qualified for less than five years.
For issue 11, the editors want to examine the theme of anxiety. This issue is open to all and the editors welcome contributions that tackle this topic from a broad range of psychoanalytic and philosophical perspectives. Please see the submissions guidelines before sending work.
The Editorial Panel have agreed to examine the possibility of a return to a paper edition of the Journal in the form of a print-on-demand publication.
For more details, or to speak about submitting work email and for issue 10, or for issue 11.
See our Notes for Future Contributors for submission guidelines.
by site.admin | Dec 5, 2013 | Sitegeist-news
Issue 9 of our journal, Sitegeist, the first to be publshed digitally, is now online.
The issue has papers from our 2013 conference on Trauma by Val Parks, Jane Haynes, Dorothée Bonnigal-Katz, Barry Watt, Robert Weiss, Brid Greally and Philip Hill. We also have two reviews from Nic Bayley and Alan Pope.
Each paper can be downloaded as a pdf, which can then be printed or read offline.
Comments are welcome via Twitter, our facebook group or to the Website Editor.