Exciting lineup of events planned for Conference Fringe 2017

The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Transgender, Gender and Psychoanalysis Conference Fringe, 2017 is proud to present a programme of artistic events, March 5th-15th, to celebrate the Transgender, Gender and Psychoanalysis Conference, March 11th &12th, Freud Museum, London.

Tickets and further information: https://www.facebook.com/sitefringe2017



5-15th March, Transgender, Gender and Psychoanalysis, An Exhibition

of paintings, sculpture, photography and film 

“Putting together an exhibition of visual art on this theme has been an intriguing journey. We felt it was our responsibility to show, without any sort of agenda, a stimulating selection of work that would capture the imagination and provoke dialogue. We think the exhibition will surprise, challenge, and arguably most importantly, move its audience.” Mandy Wax and Spencer Rowell, Curators

Venue: Draper Hall, Junction of Hampton Street/Newington Butts, London SE17

Time: Private View 5th March, 4 pm-6.30 pm. Exhibition open Monday 6th & Tuesday 7th March, 11-6 ; Saturday 11th March, 11-5 and Sunday-Wednesday 12-15th March, 11-6 pm. (We regret we are closed Wednesday-Friday, 8th-10th March).Tickets: free but email sitefringe2017@gmail.com to add your name to guest list

Site Fringe 2017 and the Cinema Museum are proud to present Laurence Anyways, a film by Xavier Dolan charting ten years in the relationship of a trans woman’s relationship with her lover. Dolan raises questions of love, relationships, and transphobia in a well written and visually lush film.

The film screening is followed by a Q&A.

Venue: Cinema Museum, 2 Dugard Way, London SE11 4TH

Time: Tuesday 7th March 2017, 7.30 pm

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/laurence-anyways-tickets-31446486287

Infallible Productions at Draper Hall presents the London premiere of

The Gospel according to Jesus, Queen of Heaven, Jo Clifford, dir. Susan Worsfold. Join Queen Jesus for a revolutionary queer ritual in which bread is shared, wine is drunk and familiar stories are reimagined by a transgender Jesus.

Venue: Draper Hall, Junction of Hampton Street/Newington Butts, London SE17

Dates and time: Thursday 9th, Friday 10th, and Saturday 11th March 2017, 7:30 pm

Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-gospel-according-to-jesus-queen-of-heaven-london-premiere-tickets-31585854140

Tickets are still available for the Conference: Transgender, Gender and Psychoanalysis, 11th & 12th March, https://www.the-site.org.uk/events/conference or https://freud.org.uk/events/

Special Offer from UIT

A Special Offer from the Unconscious in Translation

If you are planning to attend either of the forthcoming Site events in May, here is a special offer from the Unconscious in Translation:

Order Dominique Scarfone’s Laplanche: An Introduction and other UIT titles and receive a 20% discount & no shipping costs. Order by 11 May 2015, quote code “LONDON” (all caps) at check-out: http://ucsintranslation.com/

Books will be available for collection at both events:

• Wednesday 13 May 2015

An Evening with Dominique Scarfone:

Conversation & Reflection on the work of Jean Laplanche

October Gallery – Bloomsbury



• Saturday 16 May

Spring 2015 SITE Conference


Resource for London – Holloway



The Unconscious in Translation is a publisher of English language translations of theoretical and literary works connected to psychoanalysis and the philosophy of mind. Jonathan House is the general editor.

For any further information, email jonathan.house@gmail.com

Sanity, Madness and the Family/’Family Life’: An Urgent Retrospective

Birkbeck Cinema, Friday 24 April, 2015, 1pm–9pm

It’s just over fifty years since the publication of Sanity, Madness and the Family, R.D. Laing’s and Aaron Esterson’s groundbreaking study of ‘schizophrenia’ in eleven young women. Birkbeck Research in Aesthetics of Kinship and Community (BRAKC) and the Birkbeck Guilt Working Group have organised a one-day symposium at Birkbeck Cinema, 43 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD, on Friday 24 April 2015 (1pm–9pm) to discuss the lasting impact of that book.

Do people still read it? Why is it almost never referred to in psychotherapy trainings in this country? How have the ideas it introduced been either absorbed into or rejected by clinical, academic and more general discourses about the family and mental/emotional illness?

Andrew Aisbong, co-director of BRAKC, will facilitate the event, and participants include SITE member Chris Oakley, as well as Jacqui Dillon, Robbie Duschinsky, Simon Fernando, Amber Jacobs, Oliver James, Lucy Johnstone, Lynne Segal and Anthony Stadlen.

The symposium will culminate in a screening at 7pm of Ken Loach’s 1971 film Family Life, introduced by the producer of that film, Tony Garnett.

Sanity, Madness & the Family poster

Rozsika Parker Essay Prize 2013

The British Journal of Psychotherapy has announced the new Rozsika Parker Essay Prize, now with an extended deadline of December 15, 2013.

Rozsika Parker, author of Torn in Two: The Experience of Maternal Ambivalence and The Subversive Stitch: Embroidery and the Making of the Feminine, was a founder member of the SITE for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and remained a member until her death in 2010. She represented WPF/FPC on the BJP’s Board for many years and served on the Journal’s Editorial Advisory Panel..

She was well known for her commitment to creativity, in both art and clinical practice, and the BJP’s new Essay Prize focuses on a critical engagement with this theme.The Journal is particularly interested in factors that support creativity in clinical or theoretical work, and those that may militate against it. In addition to the focus on creativity, the application of psychoanalytic theory to questions of gender, art, literature, film and music is also welcomed.

The Prize has two entry routes: a Student Path and a Post-Qualification Path. Authors should indicate under which route they wish to be considered. Students or qualified clinicians are invited to submit original papers on adult or child psychotherapy or psychoanalysis, on either clinical or theoretical topics. The Student path is open to students on clinical trainings, on university courses in psychoanalytic studies, and on university courses where psychoanalysis is a significant component; the Post-Qualification path is open to clinical practitioners only.

More information on how to submit for the Prize available on the BJP website.

A Forum for Debate

Following on from Barbara Cawdron’s reflections on the SITE 2013 conference on Trauma, we would like to invite opinions from others.

If you were at the conference and would like to make a comment and take part in the debate in a spirit of open dialogue, please send your thoughts to the website editor rob@robweiss.co.uk as a Word document, or within the body of an email.

For those who were unable to attend the conference, or who did and are interested in revisiting the papers, they will be published on the website in our first online edition of Sitegeist, due in November.

We also have a space for contributions of all kinds on our Facebook group, or on Twitter.

You can join our group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/the.site/

Or follow us on Twitter @sitepsych.

New website

Welcome to our new website. We hope you will find it informative and useful.

The training section has lots of information about training with The SITE, including information on past seminar series, fees, duration, etc.

The Events section aims to keep you up-to-date on our growing public programme, including conferences, workshops and talks.

There are also details of our clinic, samples of  members’ publications and information relating to committees.

Finally, the SITE’s journal, Sitegeist, will have a  home on the website in a new digital format. More details soon…