From the place of theory in psychoanalysis to the place of psychoanalysis ‘in a world where love has become a psychotechnical tool among others’ as Adorno insightfully foresaw in 1946 (41-42), these are some of the questions and themes that this issue of Sitegeist tackles and wrestles with, in a celebration of clinical and metapsychological commitment.
Adorno, T.W. (1946) La psychanalyse révisée, transl. J. Le Rider. Paris: Editions de l’Olivier, 2007.
—— (2004) Translator’s Introduction. In: Aesthetic Theory, transl. R. Hullot-Kentor. London: Continuum, ix-xxiii.
Freud, S. (1912) Recommendations to Physicians Practising Psycho-Analysis. Standard Edition, XII: 109-120.
—— (1915 [1914]) Observations on Transference-Love (Further Recommendations on the Technique of Psychoanalysis III). Standard Edition, XII: 157-171.
Kahn, L. (2014) Le psychanalyste apathique et le patient postmoderne. Paris: Editions de l’Olivier.
Laplanche J (1999). Transference: Its Provocation by the Analyst. In: Essays on Otherness, ed. J. Fletcher. London: Routledge, 214-233.