Sitegeist is the official journal of the “Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis”.

Sitegeist uses a peer-review system based around electronic submission. Authors are requested to send their manuscripts (and revisions after acceptance) to our Journal Administrators, Barry Watt ( or Nic Bayley ( The physical address for contacting the journal is: c/o 35 Manor Road, Potters Bar, Herts, EN6 1DQ.

Submitted manuscripts should include on the title page the author’s full name, affiliation, address, telephone number, facsimile number and email address, as well as a 200-word summary of the paper.

All manuscripts submitted to Sitegeist should conform to the style of the journal as outlined here. Manuscripts must be typewritten and double-spaced, including text, footnotes, extracts and references, sing 8.5 x 11 or A4-size paper with at least 1.5-inch (4 cm) margins all around. An electronic version of the manuscript must be supplied.
The title of the paper, which should be as concise as possible and the author(s) name(s) should appear on the title page.

Author(s) affiliation(s) should be given in an unnumbered footnote on the first page of the paper, together with the correspondence author’s full postal address and email address.
An abstract of no more than 200 words summarizing the essential contributions must be included.
Text Headings There should be three text headings at most, typed as follows: A (centred); B (underlined flush left); C (underlined and run into paragraph).
Footnotes should be used only if absolutely essential. They should be numbered consecutively and should appear at the bottom of the page on which the reference is made.

Quotation marks must be single rather than double, should appear outside low punctuation (e.g., ‘No,’ said the doctor). Double quotation marks are reserved for quotations within quotations.
Artwork—figures, charts, drawings, photographs, etc.—must be supplied as individual black-and-white high resolution digital image files, separate from the text file and named by first author and figure number (e.g., Brown1.tif). Powerpoint files cannot be accepted. Line art should be professionally drawn (freehand lettering is not acceptable). Any cost for preparation or alteration of artwork will be borne by the author(s). Figure captions should be set within the text, on a separate line after the appropriate paragraph. Tables should be double-spaced, with rules top and bottom and under the column heads; there should be no other rules, either horizontal or vertical. The table title goes above the top table rule.

Quotations Whenever material from another work is quoted directly, the quotation must be exact and must be followed by the source and the page number in parentheses. Quotations of six or more lines should be set off from the text as a block quote, with the date and page number in brackets at the end: (Freud 1900: 593).
Permissions It is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permissions, where necessary, for material quoted or reproduced from other works. See Chicago Manual of Style for guidelines.

Citations and References 

Text Citations

Citations in the text should provide the author’s name and in parentheses, the year of publication of the original paper or book.

Example: According to Freud (1900, 1915),…

Or, if the author’s name does not naturally appear in the sentence, the parentheses contain the author’s name, followed by a comma and the year of original publications. If citations to more than one author are given, they should be separated by semicolons and listed in alphabetical order. Citations to works with four or five authors should use all names on first occurrence, then first author et al. thereafter. Citations to works with six or more authors should use only first author et al. in the text, but with all authors listed in the reference.

Example: It has been suggested (e.g., Bowlby, 1960a, 1960b; Freud, 1926; Kaufman & Rosenblum, 1967a; Maquet et al., 1997) that…

Reference Section

The reference section should include only words cited in the text. References should be listed alphabetically by authors. They should not be numbered. The author’s name is followed by the year of original publication of the article or book. Journal articles: give title of the article, full unabbreviated title of the journal, volume number and inclusive page numbers.
Books: give title (in italics), place of publication, name of publisher and if the year of original publication does not coincide with the edition cited, the year of publication of the edition referred to. Chapters from edited books: give chapter title, title of the book (in italics), name(s) of the editor(s), place of publication, publisher and inclusive page numbers of the chapter.
When several works by one author are referred to, place them in chronological sequence. When an author has published more than one work in the same year, list them alphabetically by title and the date is followed by a, b, c, etc. Single-authored works precede multiple-authored works with the same first author, regardless of date.

If an English version of a work is available or the work was originally published in English, then this version must be used.
(Note: All quotations from Freud’s works that are in The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, published by Hogarth Press, London must be cited from there.)

Sample references:
Brown, J. (1997) Title of paper. Full Journal Title, 49 (1): 000-000.
Brown, J. (1998) Title of Book. Place: Publisher.
Brown, J. (1999) Title of chapter. In: Title of Book, ed. J. Smith & M. Smith. Place: Publisher, 15-26.
Freud, S. (1900) The Interpretation of Dreams. Standard Edition, IV/V.
Freud, S. (1928) A Religious Experience. Standard Edition, XXI: 167-172

Page Proofs
Author’s alterations are charged to the author.

Barry Watt, Nic Bayley, Dorothée Bonnigal-Katz, Robert Weiss, Val Parks.

Book Review Editor
Nic Bayley

Journal Administrators
Barry Watt and Nic Bayley

Editorial Policy Committee
Barry Watt, Nic Bayley, Dorothée Bonnigal-Katz, Robert Weiss, Val Parks

Editorial Advisory Panel
Tessa Adams, Julia Borossa, Bernard Burgoyne, Olga Cox Cameron, John Fletcher, Stephen Frosh, Chris Hauke, Anastasios Gaitanidis, Dany Nobus, Chris Oakley, Haya Oakley, Joanna Ryan, Naomi Segal, Ross Skelton, Paul Verhaeghe, Rob Weatherill, Peter Wood, Amy Wygant.