Post-conference postscript: our original plan had been to make available on the day of the conference the text of the papers, to launch The Site’s new on-line version of Sitegeist. The papers referred to above were submitted by their authors ahead of the conference, and we thank them very much for their co-operation. Now that our very first digital Sitegeist is ready, we include as well two excellent and enlightening papers presented at the conference by Dorothee Bonnigal-Katz: ‘From Leakage to Slippage: Trauma and Psychosis” and Brid Greally ‘Trauma and the Ghost Dance of Psychoanalytic Practice’. Sadly, we could not include the paper given by our guest speaker, Karl Figlio, which is being published elsewhere. We would like to thank him for his warmly received paper, as well as Philip Derbyshire who was his discussant, and who initiated a lively discussion.
Abraham, N. & Torok, M. (1994). The Shell and the Kernel, Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
S. Bates, S., & Wilson, J. ‘Official silence, but Diana is not forgotten’
Eliot, G. (1871[1965]) Middlemarch, London: Penguin English Library.
Foucault, M. (1970). ‘Theatricum Philosophicum’, in Language, Counter-memory, Practice, New York: Cornell University Press.
Verhaeghe, P. (2001). ‘Trauma and Psychopathology in Freud and Lacan’, in Beyond Gender: From Subject to Drive, New York: Other Press.