The Journal of a Psychotherapist
by Jane Haynes, with a foreword by Hilary Mantel

Jane Haynes is interested in the practice of psychotherapy as the expression of a therapeutic dialogue. She works from the precept that not only do people have unspeakable experiences, or thoughts, but these can be made more unspeakable by the absence of a trained listener. The book includes a parallel account of a patient’s experience of therapy.

Jane is involved in mental health issues in Russia. In April 2005 she was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Eastern European Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies in St. Petersburg for her personal contribution to the reinstatement and professional development of Psychoanalytic Studies in Russia.

From the Foreword:

Jane Haynes“This is not the first book where a psychotherapist opens her case files, but it is surely the first one where the reader feels so welcomed on an equal basis. Jane Haynes doesn’t keep from us her own story – her strange childhood with its enfolded and sequential mysteries – and she explains how the process of psychotherapy has worked for her. I recommend it to anyone concerned with the life of the imagination and the healing arts.” Hilary Mantel.