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Title: 3 recordings: Jane Haynes & Jutta Laing, Angela Kreeger, Laura Chernaik
Includes 3 video recordings.
Jane Haynes and Jutta Laing: In conversation. The breath of life – celebrating our mortality
Jane Haynes trained as a Jungian psychoanalyst at the Society of Analytical Psychology but defected after realising that the transference was no longer the alpha and omega of her clinical work. She is a founder member of the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis and continues to be committed to the role of the unconscious and the question of the origins of the self.
Haynes met Jutta Laing after she read The Divided Self and gave up her career in the theatre to work as a personal assistant to R.D. Laing during the Dialectics of Liberation in 1967. They share a profound experience of motherhood.
Haynes worked in St Petersburg where she was responsible for helping to develop a post-graduate training at the Eastern European Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. Author of several books including Who Is It That Can Tell Me Who I Am?, with an introduction by Hilary Mantel. She continues to work on Zoom and face to face in full-time practice.
Jutta Laing was four years old in 1944 when her family fled the Russians by boarding one of the last trains out of Upper Silesia into the unknown, carrying few possessions. In Germany, as a refugee, she spent seven years in camps, in cramped spaces of squalor and alienation. In Stuttgart, she studied graphic design. In 1965 she left for London with a list of five names given to her by a friend. First on that list was R.D. Laing, who invited her to live with him at Kingsley Hall.
She met Jane Haynes in 1967.
For many years Laing has been working professionally through the body using the breath to develop awareness. “I didn’t realise until I experienced profound tragedies in my own family, how developing a heightened experience of internal peace can soothe a suffering mind.”
Angela Kreeger: From Olive Oyl to Laplanche – a long and winding road
As a child, my attention was caught by Olive Oyl, the companion of Popeye. She wanted to be a ‘conversationalist’ – and this is what I am, of a particular strain called a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. Adam Phillips has said that analysis enables both patient and therapist to live life more fully. I find the work endlessly fascinating, absorbing, interesting, testing and life-changing – and I hope the people I see get as much from it as I do.
Angela Kreeger is a psychoanalyst in private practice and a member of the Site Council.
Laura Chernaik: Having something, having nothing, and standing in relation
Martin Buber’s I/Thou is relational: “Whoever says You does not have something; he has nothing. But he stands in relation,” (Martin Buber, I and Thou). Building on Buber’s argument, when we say We, do we stand in relation to Them? Or, are we not standing in relation? As Andre Green suggests, is this an avoidance; a defence against nothing, against negation?
Laura Chernaik is a psychoanalyst in private practice, and a member of The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Her publications include Social and Virtual Space (Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 2005) and New Hope, a science fiction novel (Kindle 2016). Work in progress includes In Your Stories: psychoanalytical listening, A discussion of a range of psychoanalytical history and theory from Freudian to Ferenczian and Lacanian to Relationalist with short stories fictionalising the practice.
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Provided by The SITE for Contemporary Psychoanalysis (