Sitegeist submission guidelines

Sitegeist intends to promote varied, lively, and creative approaches in writing to contemporary questions facing psychoanalysis. Specific themes are published on occasion inviting authors to send contributions in relation to a particular topic. We invite authors to submit written material according to these three categories:  

  • Original articles – Sitegeist is looking for contributions that engage with psychoanalytic literature from both theoretical and/or clinical perspective. We accept in-depth manuscripts from all schools of thought on a wide range of philosophical, clinical, and cultural concerns, encouraging multidisciplinary approaches that promote contemporary discussions. Manuscripts should be 3,00-7,500 words in length. These will be sent out for blind peer review. 
  • Book, film and event reviews – Sitegeist invites authors to share their perspective on recent contemporary psychoanalytic publications as well as relevant films, talks and events. Reviews are asked to be between 700 – 1500 words.
  • Creative work Sitegeist invites authors to share reflective essays, personal essays, and different form of expressive work such as art and poetry that engage with psychoanalysis or with the theme published by Sitegeist. 

Article formatting and submission: Sitegeist uses endnotes rather than footnotes and referencing should be organised according to the Harvard citation system. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to as a word document attachment.