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Title: Laura Chernaik – Having something, having nothing, and standing in relation
Martin Buber’s I/Thou is relational: “Whoever says You does not have something; he has nothing. But he stands in relation,” (Martin Buber, I and Thou). Building on Buber’s argument, when we say We, do we stand in relation to Them? Or, are we not standing in relation? As Andre Green suggests, is this an avoidance, a defence, against nothing, against negation?
Laura Chernaik is a psychoanalyst in private practice, and a member of The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. Her publications include Social and Virtual Space (Fairleigh Dickinson Press, 2005) and New Hope, a science fiction novel (Kindle 2016). Work in progress includes In Your Stories: psychoanalytical listening, A discussion of a range of psychoanalytical history and theory from Freudian to Ferenczian and Lacanian to Relationalist with short stories fictionalising the practice.
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