A Special Offer from the Unconscious in Translation

If you are planning to attend either of the forthcoming Site events in May, here is a special offer from the Unconscious in Translation:

Order Dominique Scarfone’s Laplanche: An Introduction and other UIT titles and receive a 20% discount & no shipping costs. Order by 11 May 2015, quote code “LONDON” (all caps) at check-out: http://ucsintranslation.com/

Books will be available for collection at both events:

• Wednesday 13 May 2015

An Evening with Dominique Scarfone:

Conversation & Reflection on the work of Jean Laplanche

October Gallery – Bloomsbury



• Saturday 16 May

Spring 2015 SITE Conference


Resource for London – Holloway



The Unconscious in Translation is a publisher of English language translations of theoretical and literary works connected to psychoanalysis and the philosophy of mind. Jonathan House is the general editor.

For any further information, email jonathan.house@gmail.com