"One must do it for oneself; but one cannot do it by oneself."
Beginning therapy can be an enthralling emotional and intellectual experience. It will certainly challenge; it may also be painful. It will require commitment and hard work. But the work thrives in a supportive and mutually engaged atmosphere. The challenges are always shared and experienced together. It can be rewarding and energising. Psychoanalysis works through establishing an open, questioning conversation between the therapist and the client. In that dialogue you are invited to speak about yourself and your difficulties, at your own pace and in your own way. It is not the therapist's job to offer glib solutions nor to impose their view of things, but through the back and forth of conversational exchange to facilitate a new knowledge about your behaviours and motivations; a knowledge that enables you to make free choices in your life about how you want to be for yourself.
I work with individuals presenting with a range of difficulties which they find they need support to deal with. These issues have included (but are not restricted to): addictions; depression; bipolar disorder; obsessions/compulsions; gender issues; sexuality; compulsive sexual behaviour; difficulties with intimacy; work problems; stress; recovery from abuse; self-harm; personality disorder; relationships.
Some people come with the issues they want to explore clear in their mind; others because they feel lost or confused; some because they feel a disappointment with their lives or because they may be having difficulties developing or maintaining sustaining friendships or relationships. I offer a space in which a client can begin to understand the motivations and meanings behind their behaviour. The client dictates the pace of the work, how quickly and how deeply we go. I don't use complex jargon or obscure psychological terms but I work to help the client use their own language to understand their own experience. I am happy to do long-term work or to do short-term work focusing on specific issues. I work in a way that does not pathologise sexuality or transgender people. I have substantial experience of working analytically with psychosis and bi-polar disorders.
Training, qualifications & experience: I trained as a psychoanalyst with The Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis, where I now chair on the Training Committee, and am registered with the Council for Psychoanalysis & Jungian Analysis college of the UKCP. I have extensive experience in the voluntary sector, including working for MIND as a supervisor and clinical manager. I frame the plurality of psychoanalytic voices by reading psychoanalysis alongside, and as part of, the tradition of European philosophy incorporating ideas from existentialism and phenomenolgy as well as contemporary critique of psychoanalysis from the continental tradition.
I have experience of working with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds and have published work exploring the impact of race and class on psychotherapy.
Other areas of therapy I deal with: I have a strong interest in, and experience of, working with writers and artists to explore their creativity. I have experience of providing therapy to counselling trainees on psychodynamic, integrative and existential trainings at institutions including Terapia, Roehampton University and Minster Centre. In my work with people in recovery from addiction, I am happy to work with with people continuing with other forms of support, including 12-step programmes. Fees I charge £50 for a 50 minute session. I am always pleased to talk or meet with those considering beginning therapy. To arrange a meeting why not e-mail me? Or phone and leave a message; I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I reserve a limited number of spaces for clients on low incomes, benefits or in education/training. In these cases we can negotiate fees based on individual circumstances. An initial consultation to meet and discuss working together is free.