19:30 – 21:00 BST
Conway Hall, London
This is an in-person event with no prescribed talk or presentation. A rare opportunity for an audience to engage directly with the leading contemporary psychoanalyst and writer, Adam Phillips.
The Q&A will be hosted by Chris Oakley as part of The Site’s occasional events series.
About Adam Phillips
Adam Phillips is a practicing psychoanalyst, formerly child psychotherapist at the Charing Cross Hospital, London. He is General Editor of the Penguin Modern Classics Freud translations and author of numerous works of psychoanalysis and literary criticism, including most recently, The Cure for Psychoanalysis, On Wanting to Change, Attention Seeking and Unforbidden Pleasures
Tickets cost £10 for Site trainees, £12 for Site members and £15 for the general public. This event is being held in person and numbers are limited, so it is highly recommended you book early to avoid disappointment.
Book at Eventrbrite https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/qa-with-adam-philips-presented-by-douglas-gill-tickets-191233834547